Why older people respond poorly to cancer treatment

Researchers may have found a group of immune cells that increase in number with age but are too worn out to fight diseases. The accumulation of dysfunctional virtual memory T cells, in addition to the loss of true naïve T cells, may explain why older people have...

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Key molecule of aging discovered

Every cell and every organism ages sooner or later. But why is this so? Scientists have now discovered for the first time a protein that represents a central switching point in the aging process. It controls the life span of an individual -- from the fly to the human...

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Possible anti-aging intervention

New research demonstrates that Na/K-ATPase oxidant amplification loop (NAKL) is intimately involved in the aging process and may serve as a target for anti-aging interventions. read the full article

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New findings on bacteria in female bladders

A new study has found that the female bladder not only contains bacteria, but the microbes are similar to those found in the vagina. The finding could lead to improved diagnostic tests and treatments for urinary tract infections and other urinary tract disorders. read...

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