Study Casts Doubt on Plasma as COVID Treatment
Early in the COVID-19 pandemic, anecdotal reports suggested that infusing very sick patients with the blood plasma of people who'd survived the disease might help boost outcomes. But new study findings, along with disappointing results from prior trials, suggest that...
This Injury a Possible Sign of Domestic Violence
The findings underscore the need to screen women who receive fractures to their ulna for possible intimate partner violence, researchers said. That includes those who say they were injured in a the full article
COVID in Kids: The Most Telling Symptoms
Among thousands of kids tested for COVID-19, an upset stomach, loss of taste/smell, fever and headache were symptoms most predictive of positive test results, a Canadian study the full article
The New Domestic Violence: Technology Abuse
Abusers can turn technology against victims to monitor, threaten, harass and hurt them, but there are resources and laws designed to the full article
Controversial Trump COVID Adviser Scott Atlas Resigns
Atlas had challenged the overwhelming consensus of the scientific community and criticized stronger the full article
Almost Half in U.S. Fear Surprise Medical Bills
Those fears aren't unfounded. Among those with private health insurance, 68% have received unexpected medical bills and 33% couldn't pay them on time, while 23% said they haven't paid them the full article
Training May Speed Smell’s Return After COVID
Smell training involves sniffing at least four different odors twice a day every day for several the full article
CDC Panel Votes on Who Should Get COVID Vaccines First
An influential government committee has recommended that healthcare workers and people who reside in long-term care facilities get the first doses of COVID-19 vaccines when they become the full article
LGBTQ Adults Often Miss Out on Cholesterol Meds
Of the 12% of respondents who identified as LGB, less than 21% were taking statins for primary prevention, compared with nearly 44% of non-LGB the full article
Menopause Can Make Workplace Tougher for Women
Women with a higher number of menopause symptoms had poorer work performance, according to the authors of the study published online recently in Menopause, journal of the North American Menopause Society (NAMS).read the full article