Why I Became an Aging Life Care Professional®

by Harisa Paco, MSW, LSWAIC, CMC When I was a toddler, my family, including my grandparents, emigrated to the United States from Bosnia in 1993. We were the first Bosnian family to live in Edmonds, Washington, just north of Seattle. HELPING OTHERS My grandfather had...

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May Is National Aging Life Care™ Month

The Aging Life Care Association (ALCA) – the nonprofit association representing 2,000 leaders in Aging Life Care™ / care management – will celebrate the profession during the month of May. Special events come on the heels of a professional conference in Chicago, where...

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Stories from National Aging Life Care Month

Aging Life Care Professionals® across the country celebrated National Aging Life Care™ Month by providing seminars, webinars, special events, open houses, and other educational activities for the public. Many took to social media to share Aging Life Care stories via...

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The Secret Life of the Refrigerator

The Secret Life of the Refrigerator by Miriam Zucker, LMSW, ACSW, C-ASWCM “Ins and outs,” are what Aging Life Care Specialists™ often do during our initial walk thru a client’s home. The “ins” are such things as medication dispensers, grab bars and smoke detectors....

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