Senolytic drugs reverse damage caused by senescent cells in mice
Injecting senescent cells into young mice results in a loss of health and function but treating the mice with a combination of two existing drugs cleared the senescent cells from tissues and restored physical function. The drugs also extended both life span and health...
The ‘Big Bang’ of Alzheimer’s: Scientists ID genesis of disease
Scientists have discovered a 'Big Bang' of Alzheimer's disease -- the precise point at which a healthy protein becomes toxic but has not yet formed deadly tangles in the brain. read the full article
New control of cell division discovered
When a cell divides, its constituents are usually evenly distributed among the daughter cells. Researchers have now identified an enzyme that guarantees that cell constituents that are concentrated in organelles without a membrane are properly distributed. Their...
Herpes linked to Alzheimer’s: Antivirals may help
A new commentary on a study by epidemiologists supports the viability of a potential way to reduce the risk of Alzheimer's disease. When the authors looked at subjects who suffered severe herpes infection and who were treated aggressively with antiviral drugs, the...
Practice imperfect: Repeated cognitive testing can obscure early signs of dementia
Alzheimer's disease is a progressive, neurodegenerative condition that often begins with mild cognitive impairment (MCI), making early and repeated assessments of cognitive change crucial to diagnosis and treatment. Researchers have now found that repeated testing of...
Novel therapy delays muscle atrophy in Lou Gehrig’s disease model
Supplementing a single protein found in the spinal cord could help prevent symptoms of Lou Gehrig's disease, according to a new study. Researchers found high levels of the protein -- called mitofusion 2 or Mfn2 -- prevented nerve degeneration, muscle atrophy, and...
Gene controls bone-to-fat ratio in bone marrow
In an unexpected discovery, researchers have found that a gene previously known to control human metabolism also controls the equilibrium of bone and fat in bone marrow as well as how an adult stem cell expresses its final cell type. The findings could lead to a...
Antioxidant benefits of sleep
Scientists found that short-sleeping fruit fly mutants shared the common defect of sensitivity to acute oxidative stress, and thus that sleep supports antioxidant processes. read the full article
A constellation of symptoms presages first definitive signs of multiple sclerosis
Researchers document the health problems that precede a diagnosis of multiple sclerosis. read the full article
Protecting ribosome genes to prevent aging
Aging is a process of gradual deterioration from exposure to time and the elements; this process begins with deterioration deep inside every cell. Researchers have identified a protein that guards cells against senescence -- aging-related problems -- by protecting a...